Hearth supports ethical heritage conservation practice with the aim of achieving sustainable resources management, doing so through careful consultation and considered pragmatism.

Cultural Resources Management

Impact Assessments
Hearth Heritage specialises in project management of Heritage Impact Assessment processes and specialist requirements or studies including archaeology, palaeontology, cultural landscapes, socio-historical, townscape and built environment studies. We utilise leading digital mapping and GIS technologies, rigourous scientific methodologies and ethical representations to reach pragmatic and considered solutions for our clients.
Interpretation and memorialisation
Hearth Heritage facilitates and supports community driven initiatives and manages public or private interpretation and memorialisation projects through rigorous research, ethical representation and creative presentation.

Conservation Management Plans and Strategies
For sustainable and effective conservation management of heritage resources, Hearth Heritage develops clear and comprehensive plans and strategies for management with careful consideration of significance, offering pragmatic solutions for future-proofing.
Heritage Inventories and Surveys
Hearth Heritage uses leading digital technologies and considered community consultation methodologies for holistic and effective survey of heritage resources in order to achieve sustainable management plans and conservation strategies.

Heritage Nominations
Through thorough research, knowledge and experience in relevant legislation and processes, excellent writing and effective representation and public participation, Hearth Heritage facilitates the nominations process for declaration of local, provincial, national or world heritage resources for private or public clients.
Heritage Permit Applications
For compliance with heritage legislation and permitting procedures, Hearth Heritage provides quality research to inform decision making and create pragmatic mitigation plans for development or permitting applications relating to heritage resources.

CareTakers NPO

Frequently Asked Questions
What types of projects does Hearth Heritage specialise in?
Hearth Heritage manages the full suite of processes and requirements necessary for Heritage Impact Assessments’ compilation and submission, including specialist studies in archaeology, cultural landscapes, social history, palaeontology, and built environment, using rigorous research methods, digital mapping and community consultation to find pragmatic solutions for cultural resources management.
Can you explain the process that you use for conducting Heritage Inventories and Surveys?
We conduct Inventories and Surveys using advanced digital technologies and community consultation methodologies to create sustainable, holistic and effective management plans and conservation strategies.
What is the process for heritage nominations and how does Hearth Heritage facilitate this?
We facilitate the heritage nominations process by conducting thorough research and community consultation, understanding legislation and processes, writing effectively and representing heritage holistically and ethically for local to world heritage resource declarations.